The best dictation app to capture your ideas

If typing posts and articles is getting you down, I have a tool that could help.

Otter is a dictation app that you can install on your phone.

It allows you to capture your words effortlessly with the ability to share and export to various formats, from TXT, PDF and more.

You can also share notes directly from the app.

If you someone that struggles to write posts or articles sitting in front of your Laptop, then this might be something to consider.

One interesting feature is the ability for Otter to attend Zoom meeting!

This one might have many people excited!

Not sure if it’s necessarily a good strategy, but is possible to help attend meeting while busy.

You have a limit of 600 minutes which is reset after 24 days.

I find the interface user friendly, the dictation is incredibly fast, very accurate, with minor mistakes.

So if you find it a lot easier to dictate than type, then Otter is something to consider.

It might even save you time as you can speak quite fast and fluent and the software, is very quick to transcribe.

Give it a try, thought it can help productivity for those wanting to dictate a quick post.

After dictating this article, I simply copied and paste the text, did an edit and posted.

Do you think dictation is more productive?

You’ll find Otter AI available on Apple and Android app stores or you can check out Otters website at for more information…

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